Thursday, January 15, 2009

Gone Fishing

Or, in this case... 
Goal Fishing!

Kudos to the 18 of you who have taken the plunge and committed to participating in Highlowaha's Goal Fishing event.  For those of you just tuning in...  Goal Fishing is a program designed to support HLA readers in attaining their New Year's resolutions.  

Today, each participant will "go fishing" for another participant's name, so that once matched, he/she can serve as a cheerleader and support person.  Ideally "accountability partners" will drop in the mail a monthly note of encouragement, an affirmation, a relevant article or a tip sheet that might help their partner attain his/her goals.

The goals and resolutions are varied.  Many are fitness related, but not all.  Take a look at some and see how they compare to your resolutions.  We'll use these topics to inform blog posts throughout the year.  Not only will it help our Goal Fishing participants, but you might also pick up a helpful tip or two.
Getting into an exercise regimen
Set up a savings account for my first child and 
get caught up on her baby book before baby #2 arrives.
Start and stick with an exercise program
Move out of my parents house
Work on my book a minimum of once a month
Get organized
Spend frugally
Lose 25 pounds (2 people listed this)
Be active 3-4 times 
a week
To get my family healthier
To create at least 12 pieces of art in 2009
Exercise 30 minutes, at least three days a week
Get back into the physical shape I was in 2 years ago
Read to my kids 5 nights a week
Lose weight
Paint my craft room and take a piano lesson
Be more efficient at preparing well rounded/healthy 
meals for my family.

With no further ado, let the fishing commence.  To the 18 of you participating... pick a number between 1-18.  Once a number is "caught," you gotta recast your fishing line.  Expect a package in your mailbox by the end of next week, providing the name of your assigned person, along with contact information, and a brief overview of the Goal Setting Program.

Didn't get your name submitted in time?  No worries.  Tell us which of the goals/resolutions are most similar to yours and we'll make sure to provide you some support throughout the year as well.

Signing off until tomorrow...

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