But, they also took a leap of faith. Heather sent a random email inviting approximately 50 food bloggers to participate. Of the 50, only four foodies were courageous enough to delve into the unknown, to try something new, and to entertain the possibilities that could come from engaging with a new community of people.
Lauren, Sarah, Kate, Jen and Katie ... you are one of us. You are adventurous, open to creative possibilities, and are hopeful about the serendipitous fun that can occur when you take a chance. Welcome. We hope you'll stick around, no matter the outcome of today's voting. You'll grow to love us and I suspect we will feel the same about you.
Now to the business of today's voting.
Below is a recap of each woman's name, the state from which she hails, the web address for her food blog, and her 6-word paragraph. Review each submission then...
- Go to highlowaha218@gmail.com and send an email stating which TWO food blogs you would like to see compete in the Super Bowl Snack Throw Down.
- Solicit a friend, or two, who will vote by tonight, Wednesday, August 5, at midnight CST. Lauren, Sarah, Kate, Jen and Katie ... it's "legal" for you to muster up your own support.
- Tune in this Friday, August 7, when we announce the lucky winners and when we "Free For All" your suggestions for this season's secret ingredients.
- Tune in every day, but be especially ready on Friday, August 28. We will officially kick-off the season by voting for the first round of secret ingredients.
Here we go:
"My favorite season: Fall = Football + Food"
State Unknown
"Food plus football equals fabulous time."
"Pick me to make yummy snacks."
North Carolina
"Military wife who makes HOO-AH snacks."
"Mom who plagiarizes budget friendly foods."
Impressive group, huh? Nice job recruiting, Heather.
I've been forgoing daily announcements in an effort to keep posts short and manageable...especially for first-time-viewers. But, today I feel the need to make a few.
- Make a comment in the comment section at any point during the week and your name gets entered in the Altoid table, for a drawing this Friday.
- If you think this is fun, you WILL want to tune in next week for our three-day Creativity Triathlon. Three days (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), three events. First place wins $100.00; Second place wins $50.00; and third place wins $25.00.
- Did anyone else catch Cristine's proclamation that Struble Suds is going to host a Dine By Design Gift of 218 Fundraiser in September? Dine by Design Struble Suds Style! I can't wait to see! Now we just need one of our foodies to show us how it's really done!
There is too much going on today to engage in our traditional Whack on the Side of the Head activity. Wanna make a comment? Revisit the past by celebrating Whacky Wednesday. Tell us something whacky about your Wednesday.
Signing off until tomorrow...
Kate Danko!!
Oooh...I love Kate's energy around this...she's already checked in today and has posted the challenge to all her facebook friends to come vote!
Will we be accepting votes in the comment section or does everyone HAVE to send an email?
We will keep it simple. People can vote in either place (comment section) or by or email address.
I love that votes are already coming in for the day!!! Vote, vote, vote!!
Good morning HLA!
As a long time reader today I bid farewell...there is too much going on and too much to keep up with. I have decided to leave the community for a bit. I hope things continue to go well, but the site has grown too much and changed too much for me to check in everyday. It almost makes me head spin.
Oh No Anonymous!!! Please tell us who you are so we can at least bid you an appropriate farewell for now!!!
I vote for Kate Danko
2 reasons -
Go Army (Matt was in the army)
She made a MAKER'S MARK cake!!! I know two men that might want that kind of cake.
Good luck to all the entrants.
That's the thing about a thriving community. The more thriving it is, the more talented people you draw toward you, and the more activity emerges.
Because community is a cornerstone of what we do, we are not willing to ignore the talents and interests of those who help make it thrive.
I am sorry you are bidding farewell and am especially sorry you did it without revealing who you are.
We hope to see you again.
I was informed by Matt that I needed to vote twice - second choice http://annies-eats.com/
also - Matt has decided that Struble Suds will be doing Dine by Design.
So, in the Struble fashion, it will be an unique event. More details to come.
If you read your emails, you would have seen that my response was saying I did NOT want to participate this year. I think it's a cool idea but I have no time. That 6-word essay was apparently created by one of the authors on this blog. Strange behavior - please read your emails carefully. Now this makes me look bad for backing out since you posted that I was interested, despite the fact that I indicated otherwise. Thanks.
was going to vote for annie, but ill go with KATIE
I vote for KATE DANKO!!
I vote for Lauren KIng! I love her blog!
I vote for Lauren King!!! GO LAUREN!
Lauren... :-)
I vote for Lauren! I love her blog.
I vote for KATE DANKO!!!! All the way, baby sister!
Good morning all!!
I voted by email!
Happy Day!
Its Lauren for me!~
I vote Kate Danko. That was my Maker's Mark cake. It tasted just as good as it looked.
Love Lauren's blog!
Oh the drama!
I also voted by email. All contestants look awesome!! I wish they could all participate.
My vote is for Lauren!
Jason... Makers Mark cake?!?!?!? You and my husband would get along just fine.
Is the recipe posted on your blog, Kate?
I HAVE to vote for Lauren, although Makers Mark cake sounds delish!!
-Lauren B
I vote for Kate Danko!
I've enjoyed her yummy food on several occasions...and now from several states away we've enjoyed reading about it, too!
Go Kate!
Lauren K! Her recipes are inspirational! Used quite a few and every one is a hit!
My vote goes to Lauren!
My vote is for Lauren- I love her blog!
I sent my votes in by email. I enjoyed checking out some new blogs. I'm very impressed that Lauren, I believe it was, was worried about having food on hand for people who came to visit the new baby, they should be bringing you food:) I loved the cakes too, amazing! There were so many great looking new recipes, too bad with the twins I won't have time to cook for awhile!
Definitely Lauren!!
My vote is for Lauren! I love her blog!
i vote for Lauren! I love her blog and recipes!
I vote for Lauren. I want some fabulous, food-filled football time!
Since she is the biggest Chuck Norris fan I know, she has my vote.
Lauren and Kate are pulling out the stops when it comes to garnering support.
Still, there are a number of votes coming in to our highlowaha email account.
Remember to tune in on Friday to determine which of the four women won.
My vote goes to lauren King! :)
Annie, you say you don't want to look bad but yet the tone you selected is thus...bad. Please go away and complain elsewhere. You could have handled this situation better.
Katie and Lauren get my vote!
A late addition to the HLA draft!
Please welcome Jenn from Massachussetts...she saw all the fun and wanted in...we'll see if she can rally her votes!
Let's go Jen! I know you will make some awesome super bowl snacks!
lets go jen she gets my vote
Go Jen! I love the Beantown Baker! She's tops!
I vote for Jen! Her football creations are the best.
Jen & Lauren
I'm putting my vote in for Jen, very impressive blog.
I vote for Lauren and Jen!
I vote Jen, she makes the BEST SNACKS EVER for all occasions.
I vote for Jen. I love her creativity on the Beantown Baker!
Goooooo Jen! Boston Girls are the Best!
I vote for Jen - she makes the BEST cupcakes!!
HOLY MOLY! The comment section has exploded with voting!! Isn't it exciting? I can't wait to see who the winners are going to be.
Gotta vote for Jen, she's the best cook I know (sorry mom, you're second best though).
i vote for Jen v Kate
Go Jen!!
I vote for Jen!
My vote is Kate and Lauren!
Go Jen! She makes delicious and creative treats!
Jen all the way.
I have to vote for Jen!
Jen from MA!
I vote for Lauren. I've used her recipes before and they've been winners!
I vote for Lauren! great name (and blog.)
My vote is for Jen from MA!
Lauren all the way!!
My vote is for Lauren!!
My vote is for Jen. Even though I'm allergic to dairy, I never miss eating any of her fabulous desserts. They are absolutely worth the hives. I am not kidding.
Cast my vote for Lauren!
My vote is for Lauren!!
Jen from MA, that stuff is amazing
Jen!!!! Her food is amazing, i love it when she shows up to my parties!!!
Lauren - all the way!
I vote for Lauren. I love her blog.
Gotta go with The Beantown Baker....Jen!
Jen and Katie!
I vote for Jen :)
I vote for Lauren. I absolutely love her blog.
Here's a vote for Jen, one of Beantown's finest bakers!
i vote for jen from boston!
My vote is for Jen!!
I vote for Jen!
My vote is for Jen, go Beantownbaker!!!
I vote for Jen!! GO BOSTON :)
I'm all for the Beantown Baker ... Go Jen!!
Jen the Beantown Baker gets my vote. MMMMM cupcakes!
I vote for Katie a KY girl.
I vote for Jen!
I vote for Jen! Not only does she love football, her food is delish!
Jen is the best. Go Beantown Baker!
Jen is my #1 choice, Beantown Baker! If I need to also choose a 2nd, I like Katie's blog ...
I vote for Lauren! I love her blog :)
I vote for Jen - you make your mom proud!!
Definitely Lauren!
My vote is for Jen! Anyone that incorporates goat cheese in a recipe wins hands down!!!! Go Jen Go!!!!!! Great Blog.
Jen is tops in my book.
I vote for Lauren! I love her blog.
As Jen's official taste tester, I think she might divorce me if I don't vote for her... So I vote for Jen!
I vote for Jen
I vote for Lauren!
My vote goes to Lauren and Kate!
Jen : )
Another vote for the fabulous Lauren!!!!
Lauren rocks!!! Good luck, Lauren!
Vote for LAUREN!!!! LOVE her blog!!! Lots of good stuff there! Mmmmmm!
Vote for LAUREN!! Love her blog, you will, too!! :)
Lauren's blog has my vote!!
JEN!!! she has the best blog and recipes are the best (;
vote for jen! :)
Lauren's got this vote!
I vote for Lauren!
I see a winner here!
Jen, inspired by her delicious cupcakes!
KATE! Kate, Kate, Kate!
I vote for Jen, she's the best
The voting on this page is AWESOME! I can't wait to see who the lucky ladies are on Friday! Best of luck to everyone.
I vote for Jen!
I vote for Jen - she plays great beirut, but her snacks are even better. Good luck! -B
Kate from North Carolina gets my vote! I dig the military angle.
Long time, no see, by the way! Sorry I've not been around in forever. Life's a little nuts, but I'll try and get back in the game (so to speak).
OH MY... How overwhelmed am I right now that I have 130 comments to read through?!! Whew!
I voted via e-mail early this morning... I already forgot who I voted for since everyone was super qualified and equally awesome.
Jen, great blog
Jen, please.
Go Jen!!! Woohoo!
I'd love to see Jen win this!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!POLLS ARE CLOSED!!!!!!!!
137 comments - what were doing while I was gone?
Did I mention 138 was my favorite number?
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