Thursday, July 24, 2008

Get Ready to Rumble!

Weirdest thing.  I went to log onto my computer this morning and it was already on.  Maybe Mac knows I mean business today.  Sorry I'm running late.  Didn't sleep well.  Lots of rustling and moving around in my house last night....  If I didn't know better, I'd think someone else was posting blogs on highlowaha.  Hmmmmmmm....  I couldn't find anything.  Maybe you'll have more luck.

This is it.  Today is the EVE of the Taste of USA Finale.

Let's review what this means because, I get the distinct impression that many of you don't know.  It CAN'T be that you don't care, so it must be that you don't fully know!

For those of you who have been in a deep slumber or who have just joined our fun community, Taste of USA is a 10-week contest that has been going on since May 18.  The contest is designed to get you, the readers, to tell us what is great about the state or the town in which you live.

This isn't just about state pride.  Oh, no.  This is about winning a fun-filled afternoon with me, Cheryl, and other fun highlowaha readers.  Regardless of who wins... Cheryl (positive visualization at work here) and I are committed to flying to your state.  Together we will create the future of highlowaha, as well as award prizes, laugh, share fun food, and brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm. Fashioned after the Antique Road Show, maybe we'll even host a segment where you bring your creativity dilemma and together the group helps solve it.  The possibilities are endless.

But first we need a winner.  Truth be known... it's anyone's game right now.  Yes, we have a leader (Pennsylvania), but only by two votes and believe me when I tell you, voter turn out up to this point has been abysmal.

Consider this warm up to November's election.  I'm going to review the directions for Friday one more time and then I'm signing off for the day, so you have ample time to muster up all the family and friends you can find to... GET OUT AND VOTE!  This is it.  Tomorrow is the one and only day to cast a vote for your state! 

How do you vote?  
  • Click on the "Taste of USA" icon at the top right corner of the blog.  It will take you to a welcome from Cruise Director, Cheryl and Bean Counter, Katie.  
  • Move to the bottom of the page where it says "comments' in blue and click (just like you would on the main page). 
  • Make a post revealing something (a restaurant, store, sight, person) you love about your state.
  • Sit back and wait until Saturday morning when we officially announce the winner.
That's it.  Go caucus and we'll see you in the voting booth tomorrow...

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