Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What's In Their Water?

Idea first... announcements at the end.  This change in format is thanks to my good and trusted friend.

A part of my morning ritual is flipping through the newspaper in search of interesting stories. If the stories translate into creative ideas then all the better.  Below are two stories I ran across. Individually they might not be all that interesting, but combined... I think they can be something of interest. 

See what you think.

Story#1: Sweet victory: Girl Scout sets cookie-sale record. 
The article tells of a 15 year old girl from Dearborn, Michigan who sold more girl scout cookies in a single season than anyone in the U.S.  ever has.  Her approach... set up Girl Scout Cookie shop in a church parking lot, Monday through Saturday between the hours of 3:00-7:00. Sundays she moved her location to an auto part store and extended her hours.

Story #2: More news play makes sense
This story tells of a 10-year old boy from Carleton, Michigan who collected his goal of 1 million pennies and then presented a check for $10, 000 to his catholic school

Again... individually, maybe not so interesting, but together they at least make you stop and go hmmmmm.  Same Dallas Morning New newspaper, two different sections.  Both articles reporting on resourceful children... IN MICHIGAN... who raised large sums of money.
There's got to be something here.  ESPECIALLY in light of next week's kick off to Taste of USA: What's Your State Made Of

For those of you new to the site... Taste of USA is an upcoming contest - showcasing the best of your state.  The winning state will be named host site for the First Annual Highlowaha Brainstorming Summit.  It is bound to be a fun-filled, high energy, community building, you-won't-want-to-miss-it event... complete with giveaways and all.

We are a blog of creative thinkers.  So, put on your thinking caps and help me figure out how we can either capitalize or adapt this information to benefit  Need some creative jarring?  Dig into our Wednesday archives for a Whack on the Side of the Head. Literal "brownie" points for the first person who applies one of von Oech's principles.

  • According to CSPgradstudent - who was appointed bean counter, all but three states are accounted for.  We need a mere three readers from the following sates: West Virginia, Montana, and Wyoming.
  • The reader for whom we brainstormed ideas about moving from one office to another reported a successful event.  She used some of our ideas by asking students to record favorite memories in a journal.  She also distributed cards featuring a photo of the view from her office window. Cupcakes were had by all, her signature treat.
  • CSPgradstudent also hosted the graduation celebration for which she was seeking our ideas. Maybe she'll post the outcome.
  • Remember!  Our goal is to have 100 educators post favorite student gifts they have received (or wish they would have received) THIS FRIDAY!  It is not to late to help make this happen.  Contact, parents, aunts, uncles, former teachers, coaches, neighbors, former classmates, etc...  All we're asking is that they post one idea.  Their name will go in a drawing for a box of school supplies for next year's classroom.
  • Added incentive... if they mention your name... you also win a treat.  
Signing off until tomorrow...

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