Side note. Has anyone else noticed Ray Wattson roaming the front page of our blog sporting all kinds of construction equipment? Monday a blue print, yesterday a ruler, today a shovel. What's he up to?
Food. That's the thing that holds today's blog topic together.
First food of old. Does anyone remember last April when we hosted our very first Fancy Flours Cookie Cutter Challenge? I was tasked with using a porcupine cookie cutter to celebrate Earth Day. Most memorable was the "sharp" (no pun intended), but anonymous reader who was kind enough to point out that I packaged my porcupine cookies in plastic bags. All while I had the nerve to ask, "What quill you do to help save Mother Earth?" Ouch... literally and figuratively.
The high of the day, however, was when one of our oh-so-creative-readers suggested using the porcupine to celebrate Valentine's Day. Her slogan, you might have guessed, was... "I'm stuck on you."
I know a good idea when I hear one, so I couldn't wait to bake up my very own batch of pink, red, and white porcupines. This will make the perfect treat for all the teachers and helpers at Matthew and Jack's school.
Next. More food.
Monday Struble Suds provided a great recap of Highlowaha's Super Bowl Snack Throwdown. Cristine shined like Howard Cosell, giving a play by play of Kate's Frito Fantasy Candy versus Ray's Two Bean Lettuce Wrap. Nobody commented. Nobody.
I am going to venture to say it's because the team we were all rooting for (Team Kate) didn't win. It's like the Yankees and their billion dollar pompous baseball team swooping in and winning the World Series again, when other teams are harder working and far more likeable.
But we must be good sportsmen - or women. So, hard as it may be... Congratulations Ray Wattson on your winning recipe and for earning the title as champion of Highlowaha's Second Annual Snack Throw Down.
And now, painful as it is.. May I present to you your limited edition Super Bowl.
Speech. Speech.

FritoRay here. So, what can I say? I'd like thank all the little people who helped make this possible. Thanks to the patrons of Struble Sud's who recognized that children, because of their size, should only get half a vote. Thanks to the gallons of beer for spurring on the festivities. Thanks to Kate, who overestimated the sophistication of the beer addled midwest pallet that will unthinkingly select any snack with sausage in it over any snack without. Thanks to the Commissioner of the league. Thanks to my hairy armed sous chef. And a special thanks to Matt and Christine Struble for................
Now about this bowl. I've been thinking about this bowl. My friends have told me that I should keep this bowl and enjoy it as a symbol of my greatness. I think this is too shortsighted a viewpoint. It's a really cool bowl and blessed with my image; but, I'm fortunate enough to have several mirrors in the house. I'm thinking what Kate and her blog needs is a little, well... me. A little Ray Wattson. So, Kate, I'm going to have Claudia send you the bowl. I know, I know, I don't have to do this. And, yes, I am the coolest. Stop stop stop. Just take the bowl. You can owe me one.
FritoRay Out.
Good morning, HLA. I'm the first to comment? well- other than the spam I just deleted...
First- Those porcupines are STINKING CUTE in white and red! Very cute! Matthew and Jack's teachers are too lucky.
Second- I'll admit I was sad when Kate didn't win. (sigh)
Third- that bowl and apron are so cute! I hope that Kate likes them, too.
Happy Hump Day!
Out of all the cookies that you have made for the Fancy Flours challenge, the porcupines are my favorite! Both the earth Day and the Valentine's Day ones came out so cute.
Tell Ray Thank you so much for the bowl and apron. It will be put to good use!
Super cute porcupines! I'm actually making the fortune cookie valentines right now for my boys to take to their little party at church on Friday morning. I think I'm going to put a pack of smarties in the middle before I glue the last fold. I'll be sure to let ya know how it turns out!
Stinking cute? I think that comment should be made for the skunk cookies!! hee hee. I'm pining for these.
I noticed Ray the last few days, but sad to say I didn't quite understand his outfits... does this mean the blog is officially under construction and something new and improved is heading our way?
Not that you were asking, Kudos first go out to Kate and Lauren and the judges... but the contest was kind of long.... so for me, it was hard to follow when I was supposed to vote, where I was supposed to check on the pictures... and then nobody commented in the end... sometimes I may have thought the question was a rhetorical one.
I must admit I have become more interested in this 'foodie' blogging than ever before, and for that, I thank you, and my tummy thanks you!!!
The bowl and apron are so cute! Congrats to Kate on a great season of competition!
Also so cute are the cookies! I'll be using my snow day today to make some Valentine's cookies but they won't be nearly as cute as that! I agree with Kat, I have loved the porcupine cookies both times you've showcased them.
Happy Day, HLA!
Hey everyone. Fun to read your comments. And, yes Kate, I think we were all kind of rooting for you.
I agree the porcupine cookie cutter is super cute. Anybody have any more ideas on how I can use it?
FYI..the fortune cookie valentines turned out REALLY cute with a Smartie in the middle. I only put glitter on one side since these are going to a bunch of 3 year olds. I didn't want the parents to get mad at me for sending glitter covered valentines home with their kids!
I out some pictures up on if you are interested!
I have to agree with Peggy..the contest was a little long for 2 people to take part in. Idea for next year, have 2 people compete during the first half and 2 different people compete in the second half. Then have all 4 go through an actual playoff cook off at the end INCLUDING Ray! That way, more foodies can get involved, Ray can show off more of his own cooking skills, and the duration of the contest will be full of suspense. Just a thought!
Kate- Great suggestion! Thanks for your input.
Yes, Kate. Great idea! Heather, Cheryl, and I might schedule a phone meeting to debrief some more. We would like to capture as many good ideas/suggestions as possible before embarking on next year's Throw Down.
I am off to look at your cute fortune cookies.
Kate... I just checked out your fortune cookies. SO cute and the Smarties in the middle make a GREAT addition. At first I wondered how you would bend the fortune cookie with a Smartie in the middle. Now I see! You are too clever.
Also, can we say SUPER MOM?!?!?! You are a wild woman with all of your great activities and ideas. I know Shine when I see it and you shine.
Ha ha! Oh good! I thought the same thing Claudia.
"How is she going to bend the smarties to fit in there?"
Clever girl!!
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