T.G.I.F. Thanks for such great participation yesterday. After a random drawing from twenty-two submissions, the winning cookie cutter for July's celebration of National Ice Cream month is...
The 3-D airplane
(unless they don't have two cutters in stock and then
it will either be the vulture or the race car!
Now, settle in. Today's video is a touch longer than usual (but chock full of fun).
As promised, pictured below are the submissions by Heather, Cheryl, and Katie for the Fourth of July Bucket Challenge. Each woman was instructed to use the holiday bucket, found in the $1 bin at Target, to create her own holiday treat/decoration. Let me know which one you like most... Bucket #1, Bucket #2, or Bucket #3?
Signing off until tomorrow...
Hmmmm...the 3D airplane huh?
That should be fun!
11 am on the dot because 2+1+8=11
I like Bucket # 1 best but they are all terrific
I am out the door on my way to work...sigh...
good news is, only one in office today since we are skeleton crew (me & 1 driver)... I'll be surfing videos!
I) You took all the good numbers I would have voted for out, like 11:11, 12:34 and 2:18. Chaotic got 11, so I'll go with another mathematical permutation: 8-1+2=9
2) I wish we could see close ups of the buckets. Maybe on the video next time? I love them all but I'm going with #3 for the sheer height!
3) KY Bag, water, snacks and mini-Louisville Sluggers (with instructions NOT to use them on relatives no matter how much they want to).
4) I don't have an great ideas for how to spend the 4th. We're going to a cook out with family - how original. (Can you tell I'm excited?)
5) My good news is that I turned in my latest book this week! I'm really excited to have those 85,000 words off my desk. Now on to my next project!
Have a great weekend guys!
My pick for a time would be 10:36
I like bucket #3 the best.
Katie- At my brother's wedding my sister-in-law put bags up at the front desk for when people checked in. The bags included an informational brochure about the city they were married in, a list of local museums, restaurants and attractions, and a wonderful smelling salt scrub. You could include other things like a map or even a bottled water and a small snack. I like the idea of keeping everything local so that people get to try things that they have never tried before.
Oh, and 4th of July ideas...
We area having a big cookout\potluck with all of our friends. I have thought about going to the dollar store today and getting a bunch of bubble solution and bubble wands. I think the kids attending would all have fun blowing bubbles while we wait for the burgers to grill.
Random time 8:34 the time I started my comment.
Love the idea of a goodie bag filled with local info, snack &
h2o. All stuff you can start to gather at the $1 store.
With the piggy bank $$... are you having fun rolling it? But don't your banks and local grocery stores have the money machines that just take the change and give you a total??
All the buckets were interesting, creative and fun.... but if I must choose.... #1
Today is Sissy's 14th birthday... in the spirit of HLA, her dad and I had filled her bedroom with balloons, we woke her up this am at 7:30 with blow horns, humming and singing happy b-day.... then gave her her gifts!! out of the ordinary for us!
I feel it is only fair to let you all know that bucket number 3 is an interactive bucket. Each of the numbers on the sticks corresponds with a president. Number 1 is George Washington, etc. And no, that's not my bucket but I think its only fair that you know its more than a bucket with sticks in it!
Thanks for the great ideas so far! Keep them coming!
Happy Friday!
take a pic 2:18 after you leave... so if you leave @ 8am, snap a pic @ 10:18am....
Good morning HLA! Today feels like Saturday since I don't have to work.
3D airplane... assembly required. I'm sure it will be... FUN!
Katie... What about a little bag of snacks or... if some are travelling in you could do travel sized items... or... dice and cards. Or each a different travel game. Or flasks with little bottles of booze! HA! I would need that if I was going to a family wedding. :) j/k!
I am going to spend this weekend getting ready for our next trip that we leave for next Thursday. And I think I may sneak in some time in the pool. The boys are going to their dads sometime today. And, I'll be driving to Austin to meet Chaotic on Sunday!!
Slow day on the blog. Hopefully everyone is out enjoying a day off.
So far we are either stopping at 11:OO (ETA), 9:00, 10:36, and 10:18 (and then again at 2:18)
"Where's my present?"
I'll have to vote for bucket 1. I wish I could see the third closer though because I can't tell what is in it!
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