Thursday, January 7, 2010

Smarty Pants


All this week we've rolled up our sleeves and worked hard to set the stage for a rewarding 2010. On Monday we named our years - committing to the single thing we most want to achieve. Tuesday we outsmarted our Emotional Brain by generating a long list of easy, fun, new, and different reasons why attaining our goals is a good thing. Wednesday we got a boost of confidence while taking a long stroll down victory lane. We reviewed all of our past successes and reacquainted ourselves with the skills and strengths that have served us so well.

We will finish the week strong by getting S.M.A.R.T.

After today we will continue providing insights and suggestions, but the schedule will be more sporadic. Keep your eyes open for the great logo pictured above. When you see the yellow bulls eye, you will know what is in store.

For now...

I cannot set you free until I at least know you've taken these next few steps, as suggested by M.J. Ryan in her book titled, This Year I Will....

Here we go.

Goal and dreams are far more likely to manifest when they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time Bound. Sounds obvious and intuitive, I know. But, amuse me and play along. It's one thing to think you get it. It's another to actually do the work.

Again, we'll use me and my Year of the Book to illustrate.

Specific: First of all, you recognize my goal for 2010 was not something general such as "Find a more fulfilling career." or "Live my dream as a writer." No, my goal is specific. Write a book. Next year at this time I will either have done it - or not. You must make sure your goal/resolution for 2010 is specific.

Measurable: For me, measurement is easy. I've either written a book or I haven't. Write it and render myself successful. Don't and start beating myself up. Yet, not all resolutions or goals lend themselves to measurement as easily. Let's take a look at a few of your goals.

Cheryl, Year of Art
Measurement is fairly straight forward. She's either created some art or not.
Chaotic, Year of Cards
Also, fairly measurable. She might set a goal for a particular number of cards she wants to create or, better yet, a certain number she plans to sell.
Robin, Year of Me
Robin's is a little harder to measure. Robin's goal doesn't lend itself to the same kind of measurement as either mine, Cheryl's or Chaotic's. Instead, we might ask Robin to assign a number from 1-5 indicating how well "me" is being taken care of right now. Say she says "1.5." Her measurable goal might be to move from 1.5 to a "4" before year's end.

Achievable. This element of goal setting is a question of being realistic. It is not realistic for me to believe that next year at this time my book will be sitting on a shelf somewhere in Barnes & Noble or that my agent will have booked me on Oprah's final episode. Instead, I will set an achievable goal - Complete a book that is ready to mailed to publishers for review.

Relevant: While my stated goal was not to "find a more fulfilling career" or "live my dream as a writer," the fact that I would like to be a writer is precisely what makes it my goal work. Writing a book is relevant, because it directly relates to my future career goals. If yoga, decorating your house, art, balance, talking on the phone, organization, and the many other goals listed on Monday do not REALLY matter to you, then they are not relevant and they will be too easy to drop. If I am describing your situation then, quick abandon ship and establish a new goal for 2010.

Time Bound. This, according to Ryan, refers to creating a time in the future when you will be "done" Again, mine is easy. I must be done by December 2010. Book finished. Peggy's Year of Balance, on the other hand, is a little trickier. She's working on a goal she hopes will persist for the rest of her life. Instead, she might create milestones along the way. "In six months I will have...." Or, "In eight months my reported level of balance will move from 2.5 to 3.5."

No time boundary no completion. Simple as that.

Watch how it works.... I will finish today's post in 25 words or less.

Go to the comment section and share some of the work you've done on your S.M.A.R.T goals. Inquiring minds want to help.

Join the -


Chaotic Kristi said...

Specific: I want to use my card bank account for all card related purchases (supplies, paper, etc) so that it is self-sufficient. No more spending out of personal & depositing sales into business.

Measurable-either tha account has money or it does not at the end of 2010

Achievable-yes, if I work on the business, it should work for me

Relevant-I need to support my paper habit!!

Timebound-when I file my annual taxes, I either made a profit or did not.

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

Nice beginning, Chaotic.

Who's next?

Mandy said...

As I am sending impersonal texts back and forth with my Aunt about arranging a get together, I realized I'm sinking! I don't know why I can't put my foot down. I've always been willing to go to the edge of the earth, and that's what my whole family still expects from me- even though my life has changed.

Specific: (this is tough for my goal) I have a list in my computer of the people that I invite to parties... and by the time I get remarried (Fall of 2010 or Spring 2011), that list WILL be changed.

Do I sound awful? I'm just so tired of being the push over, people pleaser. I don't even like half those people! Why should we pay mega bucks to entertain people who couldn't be bothered to support me through an awful divorce!?!?

Measurable: if I like everyone on my list and feel good about my choice to be my own person(give or take for the OLD people that you have to invite! LOL)

Achievable: yes- damn it!
Relevant: for my peace of mind!
Timebound: by the wedding

Does anyone have any feedback- am I making any sense? :)

Mandy (with a "Y")

Kat said...

Specific- I would like to plan a daily schedule and stick to it most days. I tend to accomplish things sporadically throughout the day, or not at all. A routine would get these things done at the beginning of the day.
Measurable- I am either following this routine in December or not. It doesn't need to be every single day, but maybe 4 out of 5 work days.
Achievable- Yes, I just need to make it a priority.
Relevant- I think my whole life will go more smoothly with a routine!
Timebound- While this is something that I hope to maintain for the rest of my life, I am giving myself one year to get it established. By Christmas 2010, I want it to be second nature.

Peggy said...

Kind of sad to think I wont be able to measure my progress like some goals, but I like to be enabled.... I too want to achieve (to a degree) Chaotic's goal to reinvest profits made back into my creative greetings. I too want to create more 'art' like Cheryl, I too want more ME time like Robin, I want more organization, being more personable, and pleasant.

Measurement~ 117/74 and 210.... I actually have good numbers to report, in regard to high blood pressure and high cholesterol ....working on balance of body.

skipping a little:

Timebound... I agree that I want balance to give and take, even and 'normal', and then be a little high, be a little low for the rest of my life.

Katie said...

Specific: Yes. Feel more comfortable on the phone. Find myself using it as a natural instinct to pick it up and call someone.

Measurable: Right now I feel comfort on the phone of about a 2. I'd like to get to a 4 by the end of this year. (on a 5 point scale)

Achievable: Absolutely. One year is a long time for a lot of potential phone calls for practice.

Relevant: Yes. Especially since I'll be using the phone for phone interviews for jobs, and will need to use it to stay in touch with others when I move away from Virginia.

Timebound:In December of this year, when I've been in my new location for 4 months or so, I'll either be in touch with my friends from grad school or I won't. Hopefully next year, I'll be feeling great about the status of our friendship.

Cheryl Houston said...

Specific- I think specific enough though there could be many different mediums which I tend to have a focusing problem. I'd like to be able to focus on one medium so the pieces of the whole relate to one another.

Measurable- that ones easy. I'll have the finished work or I won't.

Achievable- If I only have one piece I will be dissappointed. I'd like to say 12. One a month. And, since I'm going to a workshop in February where I'm focusing 5 whole days- 12 should be achievable and hopefully more.

Relevant- this is the hard one. Am I passionate enough about my Art? That's the question for me. Growing up, I never wanted to be an artist. I always drew and I liked it but it was never a passion. Does it REALLY matter today and in 2010?

Timebound- So maybe they're not all framed and ready to be hung on the wall but they're peices themselves are complete by 12/31/10.

Cheryl Houston said...

I forgot to subscribe to the comment section and I don't want to miss anything.

HI! hi. HI!

Robin said...

Specific: Make a monthly appointment to do something just for me. (Massage, pedicure, tea and a book...)

Measurable: The issue is probably not whether it's measurable, but will I "cheat" myself?

Achievable: Hopefully once a month is a reasonable beginning that will allow me to make my goal.

Relevant: Yes

Time bound: Yes though I probably need a back up plan for what happens if I do need to miss a "date" with myself?