Saturday, February 13, 2010

Yellow Envelope Project: Harker Heights

Talk about shining. The Olympics is chock full of athletes who shine.

I decided, as someone who supports, studies, and scours the planet for people who shine, that it was my responsibility to watch the opening of the Olympics. I like to soak in as much shine as I can, as often as I can.

Sorry we're off to a later start than normal this morning.

Last week I got a good dose of shine. I went south to Killeen, Texas to reconnect with a friend of mine from graduate school. Debbie's husband, Robert, is in the military, so Killeen, Texas is just one stop along a long list of moves she and her family has made. Recently back from a year in England, I was anxious to reconnect with my friend of more than twenty years.

Sometimes, as is the case with people who shine, their brilliance has an uncanny way of illuminating the things about ourselves that we wished shined brighter. Debbie is the epitome of generous. She has accepted her role as a military wife and does it with such grace, such energy, and such enthusiasm, that it is every bit as inspiring as the troops oversees who are fighting to keep us safe.

Debbie has four kids between the ages of five and eleven. She has six schedules to manage, four car pools, two cub scout meetings a week, soccer practice, class mom responsibilities, and because of her husband's rank in the army, a leadership role among military wives that would rival most of our full time jobs. No joke.

Her kitchen is like Mission Control. Like clockwork, they get up, eat breakfast, dressed, and get out the door. The school bell, is also Debbie's signal that she must be off to the races. She has five hours to squeeze in meetings on military base, menu planning, grocery shopping, volunteering at the school, running errands for Robert, shuffling kids to and from activities, attending military functions, and oh, by the way... unpacking more boxes from their recent move, while also sewing costumes for her daughter's 100th day of School Celebration.

Debbie is the kind of strong and independent woman that makes it possible for our troops to travel oversees without having to worry about how families are faring back home. In fact, the only time a tear rolled out of Debbie's eye was when we briefly talked about Robert's deployment to Iraq come September. Even a star as bright as Debbie must feel the enormity of having to fly solo with four kids, while also managing the inevitable worry that comes with a husband at war.

Debbie is precisely why we developed the Yellow Envelope Project. No bells, no whistles, no awards, or accolades. Debbie just wakes up each morning, her feet hitting the floor, shining at everything she does and brightening - illuminating - her corner of the world.

Please join me in sending her a yellow envelope. Those new to the game, it's easy.

Write Debbie a short note telling her you think she shines and thanking her for making her corner of the world brighter. Place it in a yellow envelope - or a white envelope decorated with yellow markers and yellow stickers. Place the words, "Yellow Envelope Project" in the return address, and mail to the address listed below sometime before next Friday.

It's easy, you'll feel great, and Debbie will be reminded that shining is worth it.

101 West Great Plains Trail
Harker Heights, TX 76548

Signing off until tomorrow...


Peggy said...

So how can you meet up with her and not talk about your wonderful blog and how you and your HLA friends SHINE and make everybody's day just a little brighter?

Claudia @ Highlowaha said...

I did briefly get to brag about all the good work the people of highlowaha are doing.

It is always my ultimate dream that the work of Highlowaha speaks for itself. It seems like the ultimate in marketing strategies.

So, our secret is still good with Debbie. She'll get the envelopes and have no idea who is responsible. My husband is flying to Utah on Tuesday, so even will be confusing.

Thanks for asking, Peggy.